Friday, August 25, 2006

Five Years Forever - I

Five Years Forever -I

June, 2001. That’s when the majority of the class of ’06 set their foot for the first time in Pune. It did end up becoming a giant leap for most of us by June ’06. At the outset let me start by saying that only few privileged souls get the chance of being undergraduate students for five years without flunking or without making their parents suspicious about their academic whereabouts. Thankfully the five year law programme offers all this. And if you had the chance of doing all this at Symbi, sing Hosannas to Lady Luck for rest of your life. It is as if God, in all his mercy decided that certain young men and women deserved more fun than others. We were the first among equals when God was adding fun in the lives of people. That’s why we landed up in- let the complete truth be out, no more taking liberties with “fun”; the Symbiosis Society’s Law College, Pune. Our other not so lucky friends, who God destined to have less fun in life landed up in some place called the National Law School. More on that later. Let’s not share the Symbi spotlight.

I am able to say all this now because of the wonderful thing called hindsight. At that time none of us could of even remotely have foreseen the coming years -the way it turned out to be. Let’s not rush into things here. Chronology is a nice starting point, it seems. So let’s cut into a typical day in the First year.

These is a lot of activity going on in the corridor. Students are discussing everything from movies to politics to sports. Make a note here please, the discussion takes a long varied course but it does not even briefly touch the shores of academia. Symbi students even at the beginning had this uncanny ability of staying away from such non important topics. This was going to set the breakneck pace for the rest of the five years. Our classes started at 12 noon and soon the students figured that there were a lot of other things that could happen around the same time. For instance there was always “the movie” to catch, always some intellectual pursuit that could take place only at “Barista” and some thought that at 12 noon when the sun was beating down in its full glory, a pint of beer was the need of the hour. After everyone had found their own profound truth, the action shifted from the classrooms. Of course, there were a few not so enlightened souls, whose quest for truth had not lead them anywhere and so they remained in the classrooms waiting for nirvana. But for majority of us life lay beyond the theories of Contract, Political Science, Economics and Sociology.
Guys will soon post more about those glory days.


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